Congrats, you’re likely here because you discovered deeper truths about health and longevity that apply directly to you.

I’m a health coach who helps my clients improve energy and reduce sickness and injury through grounded ancestral health practices. You’ve likely recently discovered that chronic illness and fatigue are not inevitable, and that you can reduce and reverse sickness and injury through simple lifestyle practices. The practices that I help my clients to perfect and maintain include:

  • Reduced Systemic Inflammation
  • Lifestyle accountability
  • Health education
  • Healthy eating and meal planning
  • Fitness and daily movement programs
  • Easy and affordable recipes
  • Stress management tools
  • Routines for better body composition
  • Pathways to feeling liberated

Featured Coaching Programs

I’m Jason, a Certified Primal Health Coach, and I specialize in reducing systemic inflammation, what I believe to be the best starting point for weight loss, reduced injury, healthy gene restoration, and habit-reforming wellness.
Featured: Six-week Coaching Program
Get started with a Free 20-minute Discovery Call

I Focus on Families

As a health coach, I offer my clients wellness tools that benefit themselves and their families. My own family got me started down my own wellness path. My wife and my mom have both battled varying degrees of depression and anxiety. My children have confronted daily challenges with social anxiety, asthma, poor core muscle tone, coordination, dyslexia, brain fog, allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, insomnia and more. I’ve always been in general good health, and I’m grateful for that. But as I pursued new ancestral health and lifestyle habits as inspired by the Primal Blueprint, Whole 30, Bulletproof and other sources, I discovered strength and wellness that I didn’t even know I was missing. My improved energy and increased knowledge helped me to help my wife, my children, my parents, relatives, and so forth.

Your opportunities for health are spelled out as you get to know your own genetic structure.

Each of us inherits familial traits that lay out our own individual blueprint. Some of our traits are inherently healthy, and some are not. Moreover, most of our “unhealthy” inherited traits are within our control to express or suppress. It’s a liberating feeling to discover how much control you possess in your own gene expression and anti-aging trends. Your opportunities for health are spelled out as you get to know your own genetic structure. That said, you need not research your ancestral health records to make an immediate and lasting impact on your own wellbeing. Much of the good you can do for yourself—and your family—comes into play as you observe your own healthy “cause and effect” habits.

I work with

  • Active adults looking for better returns on their healthy lifestyle efforts
  • Parents who want to instill healthy habits in themselves and their children
  • Endurance enthusiasts who want to improve performance and reduce injury and sickness
  • Ambitious working men and women who want to optimize their professional and personal livelihood
  • Individuals who believe in sustainable living through responsible food sources and a health-promoting environment